Surviving the First Six Weeks as a Minimalist Mom

Kai and I still head out to our local nursing group twice a month, at the encouragement of our lactation consultant. She likes to have people who can model extended breastfeeding for new moms who are hanging out. Which means I talk to a rotating crop of new moms on a regular basis. I actually spend a lot of time thinking about how to help them out. This week I sat down next to a mom and her five day old and she was struggling at home by herself all day and wondering if she should invest in all the fancy baby gear.

So today, I’m paraphrasing my advice to her and all the other new moms who’ve asked me similar questions.

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Family Board Games: Ticket To Ride

Family board game night might sound like something out of an 80’s Sitcom, but it is the highlight of my week. Every Thursday, my husband sneaks away from work a little early and we join two other couples and their kids to play board games. This may sound weird, but playing games together has been great for finding new friends, learning to be better parents, and strengthening our marriage.

Finding a community can be hard. It seems people move in and out of my subdivision faster than I can learn their names. Even as I put forth an effort to know my neighbors, I’ve also worked to build friendships based on interests and not geography. So today I’m going to introduce you to Ticket to Ride.

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Instagram Giveaway: Rox + Rumble Woolsters!

(We have a winner, @pampskat!) The  weather has finally turned cold here in the South, and it looks like it might be winter for a whole month or two. Cooler weather means more woolie wearing time, which is an exciting thing at House Craftsman.

Even better, Rox +Rumble’s Winter line came out recently. It’s full of great new colors in both double-layer slim pants and knit and purl pants. As I shared my excitement about the new pants with Rox + Rumble’s Mom in Charge, Megan, we hatched a plot to help you join in the fun, too. This Craftsman Life in conjunction with Rox + Rumble is giving away a pair of Woolsters!


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